Exclusiv Peugeot: Noul brand si sigla

Exclusiv Peugeot: Noul brand si sigla

Peugeot a prezentat astazi, la implinirea a 100 de ani de la fabricarea primei masini, o sigla moderna care duce mai departe imaginea "Leului din Sochaux".

Odata cu prezentarea conceptului SR1 si cu implinirea centenarului diviziei auto a marcii, Peugeot prezinta o noua sigla si un nou slogan. Nu este vorba de o modificare radicala, ci mai degraba de o retusare a clasicului leu din sigla producatorului din Sochaux.

Conform comunicatului oficial Peugeot, noua sigla a fost realizata pornind de la noul slogan - Motion and Emotion, urmand sa apara in pemirea pe un model de serie odata cu lansarea noului RCZ, competitorul direct al lui Audi TT. Dezvoltat de centrul de creatie Peugeot Style, leul modern este mai simplu ca design, mai dinamic, are o noua postura si prezinta o fluiditate imbunatatita.

Look-ul este accentuat de suprafata bi-metalica care il compune, aceasta utilizand atat finisarile mate, cat si cele lucioase pentru crearea unui efect tri-dimensional interesant aflam de la Automarket!

Peugeot is looking at 2010 as the year in which the industry will change its perception of the brand. A raft of better-quality new product backed up by investment in the fleet department is designed to give the brand a lift in terms of how it is seen by the market.

“The worse place to be is for people to be apathetic about the brand,” said Peugeot fleet and light commercial vehicle boss Phil Robson. “If people have an opinion, that’s when we can start talking. If people don’t aspire to drive your vehicles it will always be a challenge"
Robson pointed to the new 3008 hatchback-small 4x4 crossover, 5008 mini-MPV, the RC-Z sports car coming in April plus next summer’s Ion electric-powered city car as examples of how better-quality product will lead the brand forward. Each of those models enters a new segment for Peugeot and should mean largely incremental volume.

“Anyone who has sat in a 3008 or 5008 will appreciate the difference in quality,” he said. “If we want to be desirable and aspirational we have to be ballsy enough to put competitors in the same room. Could we have done it three years ago? It would have been a challenge. It’s time to reappraise Peugeot.”

To capatilise on the new product push, Peugeot is increasing its fleet department by 10 new permanent employees, a 30% increase.

Sursa : BusinessCar